Winter Message 2021

Hello Everyone,

winter message 2021 loader clearing snowWe are in the throes of a good old fashioned New England Winter
The camp is completely snowed over.  Hopefully when it all melts everything is still in in one piece.

If youngsters such as the Paquins, who used to snowshoe in all the time, should happen to see anything out of sorts please let me know?

All of you should begin to receive, in alphabetical  order, your seasonal statement. I just wanted to send this note to pass along any changes that you will notice. I realize many of you do not like changes in prices but some prices such as the cost of cable tv or upgraded amenities need to be passed along. All I can hope for is your understanding.

First COX Cable.

Cox is a very difficult company to deal with. The contract we had with them expired  in 2017 and they refuse to renew . The campground receives the signal in bulk at a reduced bulk price and is supposed to collect a charge to cover it. Cox now wants to drop bulk service in favor of individual site service at substantially higher rates.

On top of your tv service some of you pay $75.00 some pay $100.00 some even pay $130.00 per month just for internet service with no uniformity in pricing. I have complained to the PUC about the lack of uniformity and the fact that there charges are much higher than their posted residential price and the response I get from the PUC is that because it is a vacation rental COX is allowed to charge whatever they like to cover their costs and make a profit.

What I ask all of you is to understand if we do not pursue and maintain bulk service, COX intends to charge you in the vicinity of $100.00 per month for tv and an additional $100.00 or more per month for internet. In the end many of you could be paying more for cable and internet service than what you pay in site fees. So I intend to maintain bulk pricing. However the cable charge must go up from the present $100.00 to $150.00 per season that works out to $25.00 per month which is slightly less than COX’s posted residential charge. I must ask that all of you accept and pay it, if some of you don’t then the camp has to take it on the chin and will force me to raise it even higher to make up for the shortfall.

Winter message 2021 plowing snowSecondly is the docks and dock charges.

I have purchased a new floating dock for the first beach. Also I’ve rearranged other docks to accommodate as many boats as possible. To help defray the cost of these changes I need to raise the cost of boats and dock slips. Dock slip prices will go up $50.00 per slip. We realize that there is a tremendous backlog of campers who desire a dock slip. However all of you must understand I feel I have reached the end of the pier per se. There just isn’t any more space for more docks and we all have to accept limits. Please respect that. If you have one use it wisely and respect others’ privilege to use a boat on the lake.

Lastly there will be some increase in some services

such as honey wagon $18.00 to $20.00 and seasonal visitors fees from $2.50 and $7.50 to $5.00 and $10.00 respectively I am doing my best to hold the line on prices and as I have said all I can do is ask for your understanding.

Seasonals will be allowed to drive in and begin clean up on April 30th. Only those you who have paid their balance in full may stay from that point on.

Stay positive and stay healthy. See you in the Spring!

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5 Replies to “Winter Message 2021”

  1. Thank you.. Hope the family is well. Hi Cartie. Maybe a post of extras should be posted. Thanks stay warm.

  2. Hoping All Goes Well And Understand All Things Will Be Ok. Camping Season Will Always A Great Time…

  3. Thank you John! You’ll get bo complaints from me. As always, looking forward to the 2021 season! I hope you and your family are well

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