Update 2020 Camping Season

Update 2020 Camping Season

Hello everyone!

The state has at long last given us permission to open, although I have to let you know there are lots of restrictions

  1. For starters, it really is for long term stays (seasonals) only and really only so that seasonals can use and enjoy their second or vacation home.
  2. For now, all facilities in the park are to remain closed until further notice.  That includes the office, bathrooms, rec halls and playgrounds.
  3. You will be allowed some recreational activities but you must observe social distancing guidelines without fail I will have zero tolerance for anyone who disobeys the rules, and you will face forced eviction to rte 44 without refund if you fail to comply.
  4. So for now, come to your site with your day’s necessary provisions, get it cleaned ready to go, and make the best of the summer.
  5. This allowance is subject to weekly changes and can be revoked at any time, so just accept it and deal with it.  This is clearly an unusual situation which we have no control over.  Welcome to the new reality.
  6. You must respect the health of our employees.  Always wear personal protective gear when dealing with them.  Try to do as much as you can over the phone, email or website.
  7. Denise will be in the office this weekend from 9 – 6 both Saturday and Sunday.  You must go to the side window for service, stay 6 feet apart if there forms a line, and wear PPE mask and gloves when dealing with her.

Have a good summer and keep checking the website for updates.

Yes, the water and electric are on!


P.S. – I fell yesterday and broke my wrist, so you will have to bear with me if it looks like we are not completely ready for you.

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Update 2020 Camping Season PARKING

There is No Parking in empty sites or along roadsides, at any time, for any reason. We must keep the roadways clear for emergency vehicles, therefore there can be no exceptions. Also, because someone may get to their assigned site only to find it blocked by parked vehicles, we cannot allow this rule to be ignored.

26 Replies to “Update 2020 Camping Season”

  1. Thank John. Looking forward to our 1st full season.
    PS-hope your wrist heals quickly!

  2. Thanks John for the update rules seam pretty easy to abide buy. We should have no problem with them.

  3. When can we stay the night and what about golf carts. Hope you feel better soon .

  4. Thanks, John! Hoping you heal quick! What date can we start sleeping there. Still the 8th?

  5. Oh no!!’ So sorry to hear about your wrist!! Hope you heal up quickly and completely! Thanks very much for the update!

  6. Thank you for the update. Even with all the new rules we are excited to get the season started and will do whatever is necessary to keep everyone safe. May your wrist heal quickly and this damn virus go away.😁
    Love the Santos family in green 1

  7. What about non-residents to Rhode Island. Isn’t there a mandatory 14 day self quarintine in effect? Will that be overlooked for seasonals?

  8. Thanks for the update, it will be nice to have someplace to be, not just home, even with restrictions. God bless you, stay safe and be careful of that wrist.

  9. Thanks John! Geez, we’re so sorry to hear about your wrist. I hope you heal quickly. Let us know if we can help in anyway. Dee and Mike brown 65

  10. Can wait to see everyone…from a distance. Thank you John!

  11. thank you for the update. hope all goes well with your wrist. hopefully out of state seasonals ( like myself & my husband) will not have any issues travelling there.

  12. Sorry To hear of your wrist. Hope your up and around soon. Thanks for the good news. Hope to see you soon.

  13. Thanks John. Eric and I are looking forward to relaxing by the lake. We are so glad to hear that we can go in and start to get our campsite ready. Hope you recover quickly.

  14. Thank you John for the great news ! we feel bad about your arm I hope you heal quickly!

  15. Thank you John ! Sorry to hear about your arm ,hopefully you will heal quickly

  16. Hello John and family.
    Thank you for the update. I hope your wrist heals soon. Some hot, humid & sunny weather should help speed up the healing process.

  17. Thanks John. We are from Mass so it will probably be awhile. Hope your wrist feels better soon cause I know what’s that’s like. Hope to be there soon. Stay safe and healthy. Steve and Vicki Cortes. Red 35

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